ammodyn proxchange

Introducing the Ammunition Swap and Repo Markets for FFLs

AmmoDyn is proud to announce the creation of the new Ammunition Swap and Repo Markets designed exclusively for Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders. This innovative platform is designed to enhance market efficiency by providing FFLs with a streamlined solution to manage inventory, mitigate shipment and delivery delays, and generate revenue from excess stock.

By joining the AmmoDyn ProXchange, FFLs can:

  • Efficiently manage inventory levels

  • Address shipping and delivery challenges

  • Earn income on overstocked ammunition

Key details:

  • Deliveries are handled through FedEx or UPS, billed to the borrowing party.

  • Sellers earn interest based on the dollar value of the ammunition being traded.

  • Net cash settlement available at maturity.

  • AmmoDyn acts as the clearinghouse, coordinates all logistics, and oversees the upkeep of the platform.